On August 3rd the girls and I (Abby and my foster dog Karma) attended Georgia's First ever Barn Hunt fun test! It was a super awesome event and I'm super happy to be a part of the barn hunt family. Anyways the girls and I had a blast. I entered both in the instinct test and Abby was also entered in novice. For their instinct test both of the girls did really well and actually found the rat the first time. I of course being the stupid handler failed to realize this so with Abby I ran out of time and with Karma well even though I pottied her before her run she ended up pottying in the ring and was therefore DQ'd . But Overall they did well. And for Abby's RATN though she didn't find the rat she did complete the tasks she would have needed to Qualify in an actual trial. So was proud of her for that. And in the end she got to "find" the rat so was an overall great day! And of course the highlight of our day was when my friend and I took the crew to lake lanier afterwards to swim since it had been soo hot that day.

Anyway here's a vid of her RATI(I don't have vids of her RATN or Karma's RATI)
Anyway can not wait to do more with her! We've got agility trials planned for this fall and possibly a barn hunt trial or two as well as she may try out dock diving if I can make it to a trial!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    August 2013

